Mariah's Pics

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My boobs never used to jiggle before, so it is a HUGE improvement. You will get that jiggle factor after some time, but I am sure it won't take long. I know exactly how you feel, because I was there too! I couldnt wait to get my NB, and finally when it came, it was like Santa had brought me a Christmas present! I am sure your starting point is way better than mine, as I was an AA, pretty much flat, so I am sure you will see results. Just make sure you take before pics because you will hardly believe how much you will grow, and the growth is so gradual you will not even notice it. Good Luck! :)


New Member
Just keep pumping and you will get your C, I am definitely sure of this. IF it takes you longer than others or than you had expected oh well, the main thing is that you WILL be a C, and probably soon! ;)

If the Kigelia helped others with growth then you can grow too. I just thought it was more for firming and lifting than getting bigger. I've been pumping and using Kigelia, plus I've used BO, PM, and now some other pills. So even if I did grow from Kigelia, I wold not have known ;)

Let me know how it goes with the kigelia because it would be good to know that it will help my boobs grow too.


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You had the exact same measurements as me! But now I have gained some weight so I am about 120-125 and 5'3, and an athletic build.

Soon your swelling will start to last longer and longer, as you pump more. I like my weight but I would like to be fully toned. So what size are you going for?


New Member
Hey Mariah. I gotta work on getting toned too. I was always athletic but I've been so lazy lately. My goal is to be a 34D. I don't want to get too big since I'm so small in size. I absolutely love the look and feel of my boobies when I pump. I feel like a Victoria's Secret model. The best part is they are all mine :D. But who knows I might just go for the DDs ;). I'll see how it goes when I get the other XL.

Btw- how's it going with others noticing ur increase in size? I wear a uniform to work with a jacket that covers me up fully so its pretty hard to see a difference. The only person who's noticed is my cousin who keeps asking me if I gained weight :).


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Hi Sunsetz,
I think my goal will also be a 34D, but we'll see when I get there ;)

Yea, they feel and look so great right after pumping, its awesom and especially since using that new padding, it has been even better because I have no rings at all!

I never really pump and go out right after, so by the time I do see people I know they have gone down somewhat. Also, I usually got the ring marks so I was fully covered when I did go out. Not to mention it has been so cold here for the last 6 months or so, and I was covered in layers od clothes! I have worn double padded bras for years, so my size now is what I was the same as with my bra padded. But if I went out right after pumping with a friend, they would probably think I had implants! I have only had one or two friends who saw me without a bra and knew my real size. I have since lost touch with them, but I would sure like to run into them now! :D


New Member
That is very cool Mariah :) i'm very impressed with your pics and my goal is also to be a 34D. I saw you said you take BO and PM. Taking both won't interfere? I ask because I'm about to start BO but i was always interested in PM.


New Member
Your goal is definitely possible. I am almost at a 34D, I would say a small 34D. I took BO last year (and the year before that) and finished taking it last summer. I started PM last year in Nov. and finished taking it a couple of months ago (I think, I can't really remember). So, I did not take them both at the same time, which is not recommended to do.

I am still hoping take pics, I just haven't been able to get them to look consistent with the other pics. I think I will just take some different ones with a shirt on instead of in my bra. I don't know which way to do it. ???


New Member
Ahhh ok :D can't wait to see more pics! They really inspire me to keep going because there are times when i get lazy and i'll be laying watching tv when i could be pumping lol


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If you are just laying there watching TV, then forsure you could be pumping because it takes nothing extra to pump. My suggestion would be to pump as much as you can withou overdoing it. Still haven't taken pic, so sorry! I am going to try soon! :)


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I went bra shopping the other day, I tried on some 34D's and they fit really good and were very full! I was so surprised :eek:

Like before, I tried on a bunch of different styles and brands just to make sure it wasn't just one brand that makes bras smaller than they should be. I have been wearing my 34C and 32D bra, both which still fit, but I think they are loose because they are old, and bras tend to get stretched out when they are old.

I really don't feel like a 34D, but with the swelling I am about a 34DD which is a perfect size. I keep comparing bra sizes to celebrity ones, but implants are bigger than regular breasts. So I keep thinking a 34D is supposed to be bigger. I am going to buy a new bra today or tomorrow (a 34D) and take pictures before and after pumping.

Below is a picture of MelB from the spice girls, who is apparently a 34DD, with implants.


  • melanie-brown-ultimo-lingerie-03.jpg
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New Pics!!!

Ok, I promised I would post new pics, but these pics still didnt turn out as good as I wanted. This is in my bikini top after pumping for about 20-30 minutes. I usually maintain this size thorughout the day andI usually pump once a day if I am lucky. I mostly pump once every 2 days or so now. I sort of have redness around where the cups go, but it is usually gone by the time I get dressed and not noticeable at all.


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that1spaz, sunsetz, alsolovely, and wannab,

Thank you guys so much!!!!

I think back to this last year this time, I had gone on vacation to the Jamaica, and ofcourse was on the beach! I remember seeing many girls with implants and I was just an AAA at the time. I felt so uncomfortable going to the beach, in the same bikini in the picture, because I was pretty much flat and so depressed. Where had NB been all my life? This year is so different, I almost feel as though I got implants! When I compare my before pic to my pic now, it is hard to believe that was me.

I am proud to say I am now a 34D! ;D Before starting any kind of NBE program I was a 34AAAA and couldn't fit into any bras, so I wore padded bras and then stuffed them with the jelly bra inserts. Now, I don't even need to wear a padded bra. I have reached my goal of a 34D, so now I am pushing it to see if I could get to a 34DD. After I get to a 34DD, I will stop trying to get bigger. I will continue to do a maintenance pump couple times a week.

I just wanted to show my pics for those who think the only way to get bigger boobs is from implants, which I am so happy I did not get, even though I had wanted them for years after having kids.

I will post pics again when I get to a 34DD, although I haven't seen many bras in that size, I will know when my 34D's are small on me. Thanks to everyone one this forum for their support, which has really helped me to actually stick with NB for this long.

Mariah ;)


New Member
Mariah, thanks for posting your bikini pics and your story. you've definitely inspired me! and congrats on reaching one of your goals!! :)


New Member

Your welcome ;D

I just want to help other people not to make the mistake of getting implants then regret it and have them taken out, because NB is one of the rare products that actually works like it is intended to, you just have to be persistent.


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More Pics

Here are some more pics, this one turned out better. I pumped once for about 30-40 minutes, and this picture was taken later on in the day (about 6-8 hours later). I still haven't bought a new bra, but when I pump I should get to a 34DD. This is the perfect size! ;D I am super happy with my results now, its been about 9 months now since I started pumping.
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