Strumpet's Stats


New Member
So I haven't been able to reach the tops of the tubing again, so maybe that was a fluke? However, lately (even right before noogling, so it's not just post-noogle swelling) my chest has been measuring 7.25" and 6.75" respectively, so that's .25" growth. I know it's small, but I'll take what I can get. :)
Great news on the growth Strumpet! With regards to not reaching the top of the domes again, don't sweat it. It wasn't a fluke. Once you have done it once you will find it will happen more and more often, although noot every time maybe. I filled my domes a few times in a row and then didn't for a bit too. I don't know what is different, I guess just the way your body reacts on certain days could change dependoing on , I dunno, the temperature, how much water you have drunk? I don't know ???
Whatever the reason, it is great that you have ordered the M's. I can't wait for you to try them out and tell us all about it!

Much love and happy pumping!


New Member
Congrats on your growth. That last small distance seems to take for ever when trying to fill the domes. That happened to me and I increased my time on 1 day and then reached the top almost everytime after that. Such urgency, but it is compelling. I am sure I would have got there anyway with patience, whatever that is... Sue


New Member
1 month update!
over bust: 30". What. How did I shrink. You know what, I think sometimes I cheat and breath in when I'm measuring.
Left breast: about 18.9 cm or 7.41" (according to google calculations, hahaha)
Right breast: 16.9 cm or 6.66"
I think I might switch to cm because the little inch measurements are kind of hard to calculate. Also measuring tape you make no sense. Love, Strumpet
I suggest you don't measure for a good while Strumpet so as to not get disheartend. Your boobs will be improving in shape and fullness in all areas. A lot of girls SEE great improvments but then the tape says something different. It is best to go by what you see and feel, but, of course, it's totally up to you.
I would say definately give your right breast a little more time with the Nb if you think the difference between your two boobs is obvious. Have a look at Thabai's stats. she felt her breasts were uneven and has made them much more so by paying attention to the smaller. It only takes 15 minutes extra or so a time.
Take care. thank you for the update xx


New Member
If you choose to measure, it's best to do it on the same cycle day each month. Measuring at different times within your cycle will give you different results depending upon the level of progesterone in your body. Usually about 2 weeks before you cycle begins, your breasts are their largest. Then once the cycle comes around they will lose some fullness. Breathing in or out changes the measurements too. It's best to decide whether or not you hold your breath in or out, then always measure like that.

I always measures on cycle day 4 since that tends to be when I'm the smallest.

The measuring tape is rather depressing though and your boobs look fantastic and have such an amazing shape to start. No need to torture yourself with that evil tape. ;)


New Member
I really feel for you Strumpet. One idea I have tried is to have a measurment bra. The idea is that you measure over a unpadded bra on the same day every month. I think that you can have good growth and just use the tape measure differently and miss your progress altogether. This way your nipple will stay in reasoably the same place rather than just moving down your chest. You want to measure projection but could, instead, just capture your nipple lower down, if that makes sense. Also, how can you acurately measure something which changes shape and is soft and moves. You could also have the tape measure in a different place on your back too. So many considerations to confuse your stats. It is impossible. I agree with comments above. You might better putting tape measure away for a couple of months. I am thinking about measuring every 10 weeks but I don't know if I can stick to it. Sue


New Member
Hi Strumpet,

I have to agree with every one. I know I HAVE been growing, although slower than I would like too. Every time I measure, the tape says I'm the same. If I WAS the same, then I ask myself,"why did I have to go up in bras size". I'm now a B cup. soooooo I think to measure really isn't needed. You WILL know. Like Teeny says, keep the faith, it does work and some time soon you too will say "My goodness, my boobs a big" I think Teeny really said it right Hugs my dear Mama J :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Thanks for the support everyone. :) It really helps.
I haven't been noogling too long, so I don't think I ought to be discouraged, even if there hasn't been any change, but I think I will avoid measuring for a bit.
For this noogle month I started with the medium domes finally, and I've been trying to do extra sessions or longer sessions for the right breast, so we'll see how things go.


New Member
Sometimes I seem to be shrinking too but maybe we just hold the tape measurer differently each time...or maybe it's normal to see fluctuations until the growth becomes permanent. You are smart not to measure too often cuz it can get frustrating!


New Member
So I know I said I wouldn't, but I did. It's a sickness, I know.
I'm 29.5" over without bra, 30" with, and my breasts are measuring 20 cm (7.87 in) and 18 cm (7.0 in) respectively.


New Member
Hi strumpet,
I have the same problem with one boob being smaller than the other. But just from looking. How do you measure your individual breasts? How wide across the base, from the top? Or around?


New Member
Hey HappyJigglers,
I measure across from the beginning of the breast at the side to the breast bone. I read about that as the way that plastic surgeons measure for breast implants or something.


New Member
So I think I'll be graduating from the mediums within a month, since at the end of my session my nips seem to be squashing into the domes. I guess I should go ahead and order the larges.

Also, for those who are curious about smaller band sizes (I wear a 32B but I'm actually a 24/5 incher so 30..) I ordered a 30A and B from Victoria's secret since they were having a sale. They were both hilariously too small, especially the A, which is funny because my 32B sometimes gaps. Once I get ahold of another memory card I'll have to put pictures up. My chest has never been too big for anything before, it was just too funny. Although I did think the band size felt right.


New Member
How exciting! You are too small for your domes and bras at the same time. It doesn't get much better for a noogler, does it? Sue


New Member
3 month update!
Underbust: 25.9 inches
Around: 29.3 inches (-.02)
Overbust: 28.3 inches
Right: 7.08 inches (+.08)
Left: 8.07 inches (+.13)

Because the differences are so small, I'm going to call them measuring errors and say another negligible month. Ho hum.
On the plus side, I think I'm getting close to being able to size up to the larges. I'm still waiting on them in the mail.

Edit: I just looked at the first time I measured each breast individually and I had gotten 6.5" and 7" so that's 0.5 and 1" growth overall, but the total around is still the same/a little less? Measuring is so confusing! Also it's odd that the left has grown more quickly because I spend more time on the right.


New Member
Hey girl,

I suggest you buy a very fit un-padded bra and use it as a measurement tape. Try it one every month to see if your breasts still fit it or they have grown out of it. I used to get confused with measurement before, so I find this way helps.

Best wishes to you <3 <3 <3


New Member
i'm using a bra as a way to gauge growth too because i find the measuring tape can be too unreliable. i've measured, then re-measured and get a difference of .5". that's a HUGE margin of error.