
Hi Dixieland,

I m touched by your story. Thanks for sharing it with me, this really helps to cheer me up. No, I won't give up. I know exactly what you mean. It is not about the money, it is about the value of inconvenience we have to go through which caused by them.

I have sent two files of the claims to the airlines. I don't expect to hear back from them earlier than two months time. Luckily , my luggage arrived today but I still need to claim for the purchases I made in both legs. My luggage was delayed for 3 days two weeks ago when I left and also when I returned home ( 4 days delayed).

Thanks again for cheering me up. By the way, that guy was really nice to u to offer another option to u rather than throwing your daddy's knife away. Take care.

I'll email Lucy now , she doesn't need to send me new set of XL cups anymore.



Dear Ku7ltz, how are you xoxoxox did you get your luggage ???? I travelled a while ago, packed my xxl cups carefully I thought and when I got home they were shattered !!!! ::) ::) ::) Well I didnt approach the airline as I didnt want to explain what was broken boo hoo !!!!!! in this case I insisted with Lucy that I bought more cups as this wasnt noogleberrys fault. I went a few weeks no noogling boohoo/ anyway I ordered 2 pairs just in case lol.... I will never carry my cups in my suit case again but in hand luggage if Im brave .... havent been on this site for ages due to work good to catch up hugs to you all all who I knoe love JellyEEEEEEEEEEEEee....


YEAH!!! ;D You got your luggage!!! ;D I was very close with my daddy....and I miss him terribly. :'( I'm glad my story helped you and yes, I thanked God for sending over that other airport person... :) Have a great day noogling tomorrow!
Hugs and Kisses :-*


Hi Jelly,

Nice to hear from you.
I have been travellling many many times with NB without any damage. However, this trip after checking all my content in the luggage I found a long crack along the XL cup. It is not deep into the cup , only on the surface. I tried them on and pumped for 15 mins. Noticed a tiny leak but still fine. Perhaps when the crack becomes larger then that's the time I'll purchase new pair.

It is such a pain dealing with airlines but like Dixieland said what they hoped for was that people would give up on their rights. I have learned a lot on this trip.

Thanks for your kind post,


Hi Dixieland,

Yes, the luggage has arrived after 4 days of being frustrated !!
I couldn't wait to get home to get back to pump. Missed the feeling of pumping , yeh.

I pumped for 15 mins and got satisfied with that. With the small crack that not so bad yet so i emailed Lucy she didn't have to mail me new set yet.
She has been very supportive just like all of you in this forum. :D

Thanks again and Let's enjoy pumping,


I love the feeling of it too...I don't know if it b/c it reminds me of my breastfeeding days or what...but I love the feeling and then of course, them falling out of my B cups and sometimes my C's too! Praying that it sticks at some point...I get the big C's (not much in the way of padding) when I brave using the large cups...can u imagine if I could fit the XL on my tiny chest!!! :eek:
Hugs and Kisses :-*


New Member
Glad you got your luggage back Kultzu, that must have been driving you bonkers!

I have a few questions for you ladies regarding traveling with the pump...I'm traveling from Cuba (I'm on a base in Cuba, to be more specific Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, my hubby is in the US Navy) to Virginia on the 21st. Then on the 28th traveling back to Cuba. My son is showing some major signs of autism and they are sending us there to get him evaluated, I thought he might have been autistic a few years ago because of certain signs he showed (both my biological mother and half sister are autistic and my sister was born deaf, so I know what to look for) and I had him evaluated at 2 years old, but they said he was fine. Well now his teachers, the pediatrician, etc. are saying he might be autistic and the military is sending us to Virginia to have him tested. Which is why I have been stressed out (I have 16 pets, 2 cats, a big dog, and 13 hermit carbs and we have to find someone to watch them), also I want what's best for my son of course. Well, this might sound weird, but noogling is therapeutic for me right now, I have been noogling at night while crocheting, then after, I take a hot bath and sip on some herbal tea, and this is seeming to help my stress. So of course I want to take my pump with me, but have a few concerns in doing so, one is I don't want it to break in my luggage, also since I am going on military flights, they check ALL your luggage! And I don't know how I'm going to explain it. Especially since the pump looks weird, they might mistake it for something other than what it is in the scan then go through my bag! Have any of you experienced that? Also, what exactly do you do when putting your pumps inside the luggage so it doesn't break? Each person is allowed 2 pieces of luggage and a carry on, so I will have plenty of room. For only a week trip each of us only need one luggage really, mine and my hubby's carry ons are going to have our laptops in them, and my son's is going to have his comfort items. Oh man I sure hope our luggage doesn't turn up missing, that would be horrible! The military is paying for my hubby's and son's plane tickets, but I have to pay for mine, which will be about $700, so really we wouldn't have money to buy the things we need if our luggage turns up missing.


Hi Dixieland,

I have no doubt that you will be able to place the XL cups on your chest. Of course, needs more practicing with them but the more you do the easier it will be.

You can start off with a single system with it. That will consume more time but eventually you should be able to place them both same time.
Or you can use XL on one side and L on the other side and swap after some time of pumping. Both methods worked for me until one day I found out I could start right off with them both same time.

Let me know when you start using the XL.

Take care,


Hi Anastasia,

Sorry to hear about you son. I hope the result would reveal that he is just fine after the evaluation.

Concerning packing and travelling , I have never carried NB into my hand luggage since I do not want them to question me at security check.
I always pack them into my check-in luggage. If you have bubble wraps to wrap them , that would be best otherwise your t-shirts or plenty of socks you stuff into NB's carry bag (the black one) would do. One important thing is that I use the Samsonite luggage (hard shell) so basically has had no damage on the cups except my last trip (crack on one cup).

As your luggage will go through the X-Ray since you are flying on military flight , they may question you about the hand pump because of its shape (looks like gun). You may want to remove all tubes before packing and tell them the hand pump is for balloon's pump (for Birthday party or coming New Year party). The cups are cups . They are not hazardous items so I don't think they will question.
Some ladies in this forum have suggested to pack candies inside them and tie with scotch tape so it would look just like a plastic container and you need to protect/wrap with your cloths or bubble wraps one more time. I think that is very good idea. I got my luggage X-Ray at few airports (like Bangkok) but so far nobody has questioned me anything. In fact, when you pack the NB into its carry bag , it isn't big (by that I mean it is not the first target to look at).

I usually pack my luggage so tight that the NB would not be flying or jumping around inside my luggage. You may want to pack your son's blanky or his favorite tiny pillow to your luggage to make it full but still soft if any bumps.

Do not put any valuable items (cash, camera , jewelries, iPod , etc..) into your luggage in case it would get lost. Carry valuable items with you (but not liquid that more than 100 ml each).

I hope this would help somewhat.

Travel safe,


Hi kultzu. a question, what cream, oil, or lotion you used when you used the medium cups? i use cream with coconut oil, but the cream is absorbed, dried, and the breasts do not expand easily.


Hello Dulce,

I used normal body lotion either Dove or Nivea, nothing special. I have never tried coconut oil so cant really comment on it. Try body lotion and see how it works.



thanks kultzu. :) Do you think im using the correct size? i use medium cup, and my measures are: 73 cms under bust. 83 cms over bust. or maybe i should to use small cups? :-\


Hi Dulce,

That's difficult to say although I don't think you are on the wrong size (my underbust is 71 cm). If you feel like it then swap to small cups for a couple of weeks and see how it goes (I guess you would probably filled them up in few days). :D :D

Adjust your position to get better suction. That always helped me especially with the XL cups ;).



thanks kultzu. :) I think I will continue with medium cup. sorry for many questions.
what is the difference between cream and lotion?


some nivea products says "body lotion" (for normal skin) and other says "body milk" (for dry skin).dor use with nb are the body lotion?

sorry for my bad english. ::)


Oh, well, I am not very strict either to use term 'lotion' or 'cream' , they both are doing for me rather same. But to be exact while we are talking about Nivea or Dove , their 'cream' product is much richer than 'lotion' one. That's I think how they advertise 'body milk' for dry skin and 'body lotion' for normal skin.

I went upstairs just now to check what I have in my closet. Oou , this is getting more interesting ;). I do have a bottle of Dove 'Intensive Lotion' for extra dry skin :D and a bottle of Nivea 'Soft Caring Lotion' for dry skin ;). They are what I am using right now.

Not sure if I really answered your questions but please try what you think may suit you :).

Take care ,


New Member
Hi Kultzu,

You are a great inspiration for me and for other ppl as well. May I ask you a question?

How old are you?
Do you have kids?
How tall are you?
How much do you weight?

I know that your breasts are natural, but does it feel natural when you touch it? Does it bounce like natural breast does?

Genie :)
Hi Genie,

I have had a little progress with NB - not as much as Kultzu, but a little all the same ;D

They do feel and bounce like natural breasts do, as it is natural breast tissue that is increased.

As I am learning, it takes consistancy and commitment in the beginning and I have put anything up to 5 hours aday in (by wearing them at night and a 30 minute session in the morning). For night wear (snoogling) i recommend padding.


Hi Genie,

Sorry for late reply. I am trying to visit the forum at least once a week ;).

I am 36 years old and have one child ( she will turn 7 soon ). I started with NB in year 2007 and surely you can read through what I have posted here for my journey with the NB. I am rather small size woman. Height 158 cm , 45 kg weight.

Yes, my breasts are natural. Feel and bounce natuarally as well (of course, I dont want to jump up and down right after pumping ) :D

How long have you been pumping ?

Take care,