my first noogle!


New Member
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Stunning!!!!! I have been using mine for about a week and am seeing fullness! I am getting addicted to it. But you only been using it for a couple of months!!! WOW!!! You are inspiring... keep up the good work. I am above my two inches already in my medium domes. Should I go and get the large ones?

GROW UM!!!!!



New Member
Thanks, everyone, you all are so sweet and make me smile! ;D

nickies, I would go ahead and order them! I was filling my larges like...halfway and then BAM one day my boobs were smashed up on the tops of the domes! So it wouldn't hurt to have them on hand, because you WILL use them :)

pinksugarbabe- I read the thread about the armpit fat bra (lol) and although I don't think the VS bras do that, I feel that they give a very nice, natural shape, depending on what line you buy. VS has different kinds like Very Sexy, Biofit, Sexy Little Things, Body By Victoria...each line has different features in the bra. I have a couple of each for different occasions, due to some of them pushing up my boobs differently. This bra (Angels push up) in particular pushes them up and in, for great cleavage, as you can see lol. I would say VS bras are definitely worth it! They last a long time, too. MUCH longer than my drugstore bras I used to buy, which would only last like 6 months before the underwire came out in MULTIPLE bras. My Victoria's secret bras are all about 2 1/2 years old and still kicking FANTASTICALLY. The colors are still vibrant and the wires are NOWHERE near coming out. Can you tell I LOVE VS lol


New Member
Wow girl...that cleavage pic is super sexy...and your boobs look perfect. Happy to see you are progressing so nicely ;)


New Member
So today marks the day of my 3 month noogleversary. I posted in the stats section, but here are some pics to go with that. Here's my stats:

Bust-36.25"!!!!! I started 3 months ago at 35" WOO HOO!!!
I noogle for an hour in the morning and an hour at night with XL domes. I've missed like...3 or 4 sessions.

Oh, and I'm just letting you know, I do NOT tape my nipples and never have. So to all you girls who are obsessing over the nipple enlargement, this is what 3 months of no taping looks like. I don't think my nipples have grown much, if at all... :)

I am so excited. I never thought I'd get over an inch of growth in this time. I measured my bust today, 12 hours after my last noogle session. I'm so glad I have pictures and measurements...if I didn't, I wouldn't have believed it. I love noogleberry!!

Sorry for my hand in the last pic, I usually take my pics during the day so lighting is fine, but today I took them at night, so my lamp had to be on...and I have no lampshade, so I had to shield you all from the brightness! Lol.

Desert Rose

New Member
wooooooow :eek:. That's awesome!!!! Very nice shape and fullness!! I see a clear difference. I 'm so jealous :D.
Congratulations. This just motivates me to continue noogling.
Thank you for your update.

By the way, you don´t need the NB anymore, they are already huge!!!!!
AMAZING results!! Congratulations. It shows that persistence pays off and, although this is not going to happen in a week it's not going to take long. I mean 12 weeks is all that it has taken you to gain over an inch in size? WHOOOP to that!
Imagine where you could be in another 3 months!!


New Member
Thank you so much, girls! I am DEFINITELY still going to use the noogle, desert rose. Hehehehhe!! :) But thank you! and flatty_natty, I know...I can't wait to see me in 3 months. I want D's for my birthday! (November) Or full C's, at least :)


New Member
Wow - you look like a full C already! Brilliant results. I'm sure you'll have Ds for your birthday at this rate. :)


New Member
Wow Girl!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so so happy for you dear!!!!
I definitely can see a huge difference!!!!!
I didn't continue to noogle.... :-[
I will continue next week....
OOO...And I can especially see a difference on the side view.


New Member
You look AMAZING! :eek: Awesome results! Hope I get even half your results eventually. Thanks for sharing your pics.... it's such an encouragement to me.